The Worst Part about Love
Have you ever been hurt by someone? (Insert sarcasm.) Of course, YOU HAVE! From the time we were young, we were getting hurt by people. Friends, family, peers on the playground, there are an endless amount of opportunities to get hurt in this life. I have some of the most amazing friends and family a girl could ask for, but that doesn’t mean my relationships come with no cost. There are so many opportunities for misunderstandings…
Are You Being Taken Advantage Of? Here’s the Solution.
Do you ever feel like you are being taken advantage of? Whether it be family, friends, or coworkers it is easy to feel like people are taking more than they should from us. This week I share the solution to never be taken advantage of again! Want to know it for yourself. Here it is…
What Is Love?
In honor of Carter and I celebrating our thirteenth wedding anniversary, I decided to write about love. What is love? Here is a bit of what love is to me. “Love is surprisingly exciting and exceptionally mundane. It is found in traveling around the world together, but also sitting on the couch…” What is love to you?
Love Sucks
(I was given the opportunity to be a guest on the "Inside Out" podcast. Check out the link at the end of this article.)
I made a choice long ago to be a person who loves. Over the years, I have slowly grown my capacity to love much like exercising a muscle to gain strength. Loving big is without a doubt the best thing I have ever done in my life.
But let me let you in on something I have learned…
Love sucks.
How to Deal with Angry People
I used to think people were pretty simple. I thought we all wanted to get along and be happy, but sometimes life simply got in the way. As I have gotten older, I realize that may be true for me, but it certainly isn’t true for everyone.
Not everyone feels the need to live peacefully.
I am now convinced, some people actually enjoy creating chaos particularly during times they feel chaos inside of themselves.
Some people crave the tension.
They relish the push back.
They enjoy the storm.
Why Do People Lie?
Living an honest, genuine life comes at a cost and I have found not everyone is willing to pay the price.
It can feel so natural to tell a simple lie to avoid difficulty or awkwardness in our life. There are many reasons we choose to lie, here are six that I have come across …
Not Every Relationship Is Safe... And That's Ok
When I was younger, I thought every relationship was created equal. Of course, as I got older, I realized not every relationship I had was a place for me to be loved, accepted, and appreciated.
For years of my life, I tried to keep track of who I could trust and who I couldn’t. If I found out you did or said something disrespectful about me, I pushed you away. If I believed I could trust you, I brought you close.
It was a constant game of trying to figure out who could be trusted. It was exhausting and left me a bit paranoid that no one could be.
I used to often feel betrayed. I was constantly surprised by the fact that people were not returning the love and effort I was giving them. It made me feel confused, angry, and resentful.
Let me explain to you something I have learned through the years…
The Truth about Unconditional Love
Growing up, I heard the term “unconditional love” a lot. Honestly, I had the mindset that unconditional love was everywhere. I thought every friend and family member I had would love me, value me, and honor me without condition.
Of course, it didn’t take me long to learn the harsh reality that unconditional love wasn’t as common as I thought. In reality, there are a whole lot of conditions to the relationships we live, some spoken and some unspoken…
I’m Offended {And I’m Missing the Point}
In recent weeks, I have been obsessing over the experience of being offended. I’ve been studying it. Listening. Watching. Questioning.
Offense is beyond interesting.
Offense feels like passion.
It feels righteous.
It feels justified.
Being offended makes us feel powerful and productive. When we get offended, it feels very important. It almost feels as if we are getting something accomplished. Which is quite intriguing.
Offense happens when someone disrespects us, devalues us, or disagrees with us. We also take offense when someone does not respect our pain or validate a loss that we have experienced.
When we are offended we feel justified to say, feel, or do, whatever we want.
Free pass.
Learning to Let Go and Live Free
I used to have a hard time letting go of things. I would hold on to my bitterness, hurt, anger, expectations, and my plans. I carried them around with me long after they had happened and I prided myself with my ability to do so.
I felt like if someone told me to let go of these things that it meant they didn’t value how hard the experience was for me. I actually felt it was almost offensive for them to suggest...
Our Intentions Matter... A Lot
Have you ever done the right thing for the wrong reason?
I have.
Growing up, I was taught that my intentions were just as important, if not more, than my actions. However, I did not fully embrace this teaching.
It was easy for me to convince people, including myself, that my motivations in life were pure. However, my intentions were often fueled by more than I was willing to admit.
A Letter to my {Not So} Romantic Husband on this Romantic Holiday
Here we are again. This is our 17th Valentine’s Day together and I would say we have the swing of it at this point.
I love that I know there is a 99% chance there are no surprises coming. (Although those two times you surprised me were pretty fun!)
I love that we both laughed this morning when I asked if you had a surprise get-a-way to the Bahamas planned for today. I love that I asked you if I should pick up my own chocolate covered strawberries or if you had it covered.
I love that at some point I know I will probably receive a card from you that looks like it was painted by Bob Ross and I will roll my eyes and laugh at your card picking skills. I love that I won’t be surprised by anything you say in the card because I know exactly how you feel about me...
Learning to Be a Bully
I have been working on my ability to be a bully. I know what you are thinking, “Haley, it is not good to be a bully.” And for the most part, I agree with you.
I don’t believe in bullying people. Ever. I don’t believe in demeaning people and I believe that all people deserve to be valued.
However, this is an exception to that rule. In my opinion, this guy is the biggest bully I know and he deserves to be bullied in return.
In fact, he has probably tried to bully you too.
Do you know him?
Embracing My Brokenness
In my life, I was the person with the answers not the person with the problems. Don’t get me wrong, of course, I had problems, BUT I chose to avoid them if at all possible.
I hated moments of conflict, failure, and misunderstandings because those experiences had a way of highlighting my need for growth.I trained in Jedi maneuvers to ensure that nothing ever came back and pinpointed to my brokenness. I was a master at making sure that you or they were always pinned with the “issues”.
My Major Misunderstanding of Love
I used to be a person of very conditional love. It was common for me to lower people’s value based on my perception of them and their choices.
Which is quite interesting considering I have spent my entire life dedicated to a faith based on love.
For the past decade, I have been growing my capacity to love and I am quite pleased to say that I am now able to offer love to even the most frustrating of persons.
My ultimate goal?
Unconditional love.
I have been through a lot with people through the years and I get it.
People suck...
Learning to Fail
For the past decade of my life, I have been trying to learn how to fail and after ten plus years, I still don’t know exactly how to do it. Of course, I can fail. Failing is inevitable, but I am still learning how to fail well.
How can I still be here after so many years of believing in grace?
How is it possible that I am still so affected by my failure? Why are my limitations, mistakes, and misunderstandings so scary to me? I have come so far, but I still have a long ways to go.
In the past, when I have failed, I felt the need to cover up my failure and hide my mistakes. At the same time, I would defend my value as if it was something that needed defending.
During my failure, there was always a little voice taunting me... What if my fears are true? What if my fail is a sign that I not only failed, but I am a failure?? But worse, what if I am a failure who is destined to fail forever?
If You Need to Judge Me Then Do What You Must
I hear the things that you have said and I understand that you would like me to be different. I hear you, but it seems that you are incapable of hearing me because you are too busy judging me.
If you need to judge me then do what you must. Not that long ago, I would’ve judged me too...
Ten Things to Know About Manipulators {From a Recovering, Insecure, Manipulative Control Freak}
Many people do not realize that I am a recovering control freak who was born with a natural ability to manipulate people. From the time I was little, I can remember watching people, listening and learning how people reacted to certain things. From parents, to teachers, to friends, I liked to read people and once I did, I learned how to give them what they wanted for one primary reason... so that I could get what I wanted.
I Betrayed Her... Now What?
I have a handful of moments that have shaped me as a person. This being one. I sat on my couch feeling quite defenseless and humble. I will never forget the moment that I was sitting in front of her.
I knew what I had to do.
I had to ask for forgiveness.
Because I had betrayed her.