Are You Being Taken Advantage Of? Here’s the Solution.
Do you ever feel like you are being taken advantage of? Whether it be family, friends, or coworkers it is easy to feel like people are taking more than they should from us. This week I share the solution to never be taken advantage of again! Want to know it for yourself. Here it is…
Are You Measuring Up?
“Haley, I don’t think you see yourself very clearly,” a friend said to me.
I had just uttered a self-evaluation of my physical appearance. It wasn’t a particularly encouraging or positive utterance. This wasn’t the first time she told me she didn’t think I saw myself accurately.
She is the type of friend who will tell me when I am wrong but has always encouraged me in who I am.
This time her observation stuck with me.
Did I see myself clearly?
And if not, why?
I began to think back on times that I have struggled with who I am.