If You Need to Judge Me Then Do What You Must


I hear the things that you have said and I understand that you would like me to be different. I hear you, but it seems that you are incapable of hearing me because you are too busy judging me.

If you need to judge me then do what you must. Not that long ago, I would’ve judged me too...

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I Betrayed Her... Now What?

I have a handful of moments that have shaped me as a person. This being one. I sat on my couch feeling quite defenseless and humble. I will never forget the moment that I was sitting in front of her.

I knew what I had to do.

I had to ask for forgiveness.


Because I had betrayed her.

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self, comparison, sisters Haley Carter self, comparison, sisters Haley Carter

When Being Me Feels Like It's Not Enough

From early on in life, we are compared to one another. It is amazing how we naturally begin to measure our value by the people around us.

Growing up, I was surrounded by a lot of very successful people, some of which were my sisters. I have four sisters and two sister-in-laws. They are all gorgeous and extremely talented. Through the years, my sisters have accomplished many wonderful things that I have not...

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