Sorry, I Cannot Be What You Want
I am sorry that I cannot be what you want me to be. You seem to have such specific requirements for me and I have disappointed you.
I didn’t want to let you down, but here we are.
I have been so focused on how you felt about me and my choices that I lost sight of who I am and the life I want to live. And sadly, I even started to blame you for my unhappiness. This isn’t fair and I promise to do better. My happiness is not in your hands and I free you from that burden you never asked to carry.
This has taken me some time to understand, but I see things differently now. I now see that I have to let go of your approval.
I have to let go of you.
Are You Measuring Up?
“Haley, I don’t think you see yourself very clearly,” a friend said to me.
I had just uttered a self-evaluation of my physical appearance. It wasn’t a particularly encouraging or positive utterance. This wasn’t the first time she told me she didn’t think I saw myself accurately.
She is the type of friend who will tell me when I am wrong but has always encouraged me in who I am.
This time her observation stuck with me.
Did I see myself clearly?
And if not, why?
I began to think back on times that I have struggled with who I am.
Ten Keys to Experiencing Long-Lasting Love
There is nothing simple or easy about love. If you want to find love that lasts through the years, you will need to be ready to experience a lot of ups and downs.
I have been in a relationship with the same man for 17 years.
No breaks.
No separations.
Let me tell you some of the things that I have learned about love after being with the same man for over half of my life.
7 Things Holding Us Back in Life
What if there is more to my life than what I am living? With all of my heart, I want to live the life that I am supposed to live while I am on this earth, but what if I miss it? What if I get to the end of my life, look back and think “My God, what did I do?”
This thought haunts me at times, never enough to leave me paralyzed, but enough to keep me moving. I want this life to matter. I want my life to matter. I want to challenge myself. I want to challenge others to keep moving forward. This life does have a purpose and that purpose is unique for each of us. It is vital that we get our head in the game. We get no second chances. We only get today, we only get right now.
What is holding us back from living our fullest life?
Feeling Betrayed by God
I will never forget the very first time that I felt betrayed by God. I was twenty-two years old and something very bad happened to someone I love. Up to this point in my life, God had been a very dependable God for me.
I had heard other people talk about being betrayed by God, but not me. I had known and worshiped him since the beginning of my life and I never knew him as anything but a kind, trustworthy, reliable God. I had no reason to doubt him, but that changed in the spring of 2009.
This situation brought me to not only question God but also to feel angry with him.
I felt betrayed.
I’m Offended {And I’m Missing the Point}
In recent weeks, I have been obsessing over the experience of being offended. I’ve been studying it. Listening. Watching. Questioning.
Offense is beyond interesting.
Offense feels like passion.
It feels righteous.
It feels justified.
Being offended makes us feel powerful and productive. When we get offended, it feels very important. It almost feels as if we are getting something accomplished. Which is quite intriguing.
Offense happens when someone disrespects us, devalues us, or disagrees with us. We also take offense when someone does not respect our pain or validate a loss that we have experienced.
When we are offended we feel justified to say, feel, or do, whatever we want.
Free pass.
It’s Ok to Make Mistakes {But Not Really}
“It’s ok to make mistakes.”
This is something I have heard since I was a kid.
As I have gotten older, I have become increasingly aware of how untrue this statement is.
When is the last time that you made a mistake? A real mistake. How was it handled? Were you given grace for your mistake? Shame? Consequence? Punishment? Retribution?
More often than not, I have seen people pay for the mistakes they have made. We don’t act like it is just “ok” to make a mistake. Small or large we like people to be held accountable for their missteps. What have you experienced in your life? Have you experienced abundant grace for the mistakes you have made?...
Learning to Fail
For the past decade of my life, I have been trying to learn how to fail and after ten plus years, I still don’t know exactly how to do it. Of course, I can fail. Failing is inevitable, but I am still learning how to fail well.
How can I still be here after so many years of believing in grace?
How is it possible that I am still so affected by my failure? Why are my limitations, mistakes, and misunderstandings so scary to me? I have come so far, but I still have a long ways to go.
In the past, when I have failed, I felt the need to cover up my failure and hide my mistakes. At the same time, I would defend my value as if it was something that needed defending.
During my failure, there was always a little voice taunting me... What if my fears are true? What if my fail is a sign that I not only failed, but I am a failure?? But worse, what if I am a failure who is destined to fail forever?
If You Need to Judge Me Then Do What You Must
I hear the things that you have said and I understand that you would like me to be different. I hear you, but it seems that you are incapable of hearing me because you are too busy judging me.
If you need to judge me then do what you must. Not that long ago, I would’ve judged me too...
Ten Things to Know About Manipulators {From a Recovering, Insecure, Manipulative Control Freak}
Many people do not realize that I am a recovering control freak who was born with a natural ability to manipulate people. From the time I was little, I can remember watching people, listening and learning how people reacted to certain things. From parents, to teachers, to friends, I liked to read people and once I did, I learned how to give them what they wanted for one primary reason... so that I could get what I wanted.
I Betrayed Her... Now What?
I have a handful of moments that have shaped me as a person. This being one. I sat on my couch feeling quite defenseless and humble. I will never forget the moment that I was sitting in front of her.
I knew what I had to do.
I had to ask for forgiveness.
Because I had betrayed her.
My Life As a Mom is Slowly Flying By
I have heard stories of how fast time goes by with children, but to tell you the truth, it hasn’t always felt like time was flying by. In many ways, it kind of feels like the last six years of my life have been filled with the time of thirty years. I have lived days that have felt like months and weeks that have felt like years. Some days the last fifteen minutes before Carter gets home from work have felt like an eternity that I might not survive.
When I look at my life, the days seem to have slowed since having kids; however, when I look at my children, I can’t believe how quickly it has went. I am continually shocked by how old my Epsie Marie is looking. With each passing year it seems to grow more surreal to look at pictures of her past. Where is my baby?...
Home Sweet Home {One Year Later}
One year ago, today, our house caught on fire. It has been quite the eventful past year! Thankfully, we have moved back into our house and we are loving every minute of it! Here's a bit of an update on our home and family. I hope you are doing well my friend, Haley.
When Choices Get You Down
All of us have many choices that we have to make. There is a lot of pressure to make the "right" choice at the "right" time. Today on the blog we have a guest post by my sister Chloe'! She has a great perspective on how she deals with the choices she faces in this life. Enjoy...
Thriving Through Difficulty
I used to spend my life trying to stay on top of my problems. I used to try to avoid pain and difficulty. I used to find myself striving for perfection. Striving for happiness. No longer. I have now realized that this life is not about striving for perfection either within me or within my circumstances...
"Ithaka" by Constantine P. Cafavy
Do you ever feel like you are waiting to "arrive" in this life? I have often lived with an “arrival” mentality.
A few years ago, I found myself arriving somewhere I had desired to be for a long time. I had waited and waited and finally my waiting had come to an end. I had arrived exactly where I hoped to. But... now I had new places I wanted to go. Once again, I found myself discontent. I realized that “arriving” may not be the solution...
A Letter to the Broken-hearted
You find yourself today in a place that you never thought you would be. You never saw it coming. You weren’t prepared for this. Sure, you knew this life would have its challenges, but you never imagined it would look like this or feel like this. You have discovered a whole new layer of pain that you didn’t know existed… and you wish you could go back. You didn’t ask for this and it has changed you in a way that you never wanted...