Mastering the Art of Letting Dreams Die
I am passionate about dreaming in this life. I love happy endings and dreams fulfilled. However, there is a very real part of this life that involves learning to allow dreams to come to an end.
Sometimes our dreams die a slow peaceful death and sometimes they come crashing down without any warning they would be gone so soon.
Here are the steps I take when it is time to let a dream die…
Ten Keys to Experiencing Long-Lasting Love
There is nothing simple or easy about love. If you want to find love that lasts through the years, you will need to be ready to experience a lot of ups and downs.
I have been in a relationship with the same man for 17 years.
No breaks.
No separations.
Let me tell you some of the things that I have learned about love after being with the same man for over half of my life.
7 Things Holding Us Back in Life
What if there is more to my life than what I am living? With all of my heart, I want to live the life that I am supposed to live while I am on this earth, but what if I miss it? What if I get to the end of my life, look back and think “My God, what did I do?”
This thought haunts me at times, never enough to leave me paralyzed, but enough to keep me moving. I want this life to matter. I want my life to matter. I want to challenge myself. I want to challenge others to keep moving forward. This life does have a purpose and that purpose is unique for each of us. It is vital that we get our head in the game. We get no second chances. We only get today, we only get right now.
What is holding us back from living our fullest life?
I Am Dedicated to Dying Without Bitterness
I have a lot of goals in this life. One of my goals is to die without bitterness. Maybe you think this is a silly goal, but as I have gotten older, it is becoming more and more apparent how difficult this is going to be. There are so many disappointing things that happen in this life…
Look at Me Go!!!.. And Watch Me Fall.
I used to be so afraid of failing. So much so that it actually kept me from trying new things.
Not anymore.
I now realize that failure is nothing to fear. What we should really be afraid of is listening to our fears.
Our fears are merely failures that have never happened and often never do.
Why should I spend my life fearing all of my possible failures when I could live my life to the fullest and learn to manage the ones that actually occur?
My fear tries to tell me to stop moving forward and that the risk isn’t worth the reward.
That’s ridiculous.
I now understand that I shouldn’t be afraid of the fall, but I should be deathly afraid of standing still.
I actually have a few words for fear...
Five Crazy Things That I Learned From Mom
Most of us are blessed with amazing women as moms. I am no exception. I am one of seven children and each of us will tell you that our mom had a major role in shaping who we are today.
My mom is a straight shooter who tells it as she sees it. She goes against a lot of what the world says today is “good parenting” and let me tell you that I am forever grateful for that. She was very involved in each of our lives but challenged us each step of the way. She never viewed it as her job to make life easy for us, but to equip us for this life.
Without my mom, I would not be who I am today, here are a few of the lessons she has taught me through the years.
Finding Confidence in a Surprising Place
I have a very outgoing personality. Most of the time, I naturally feel confident. But through the years, I have learned that having an outgoing personality is not the same thing as being confident with who you are.
When life was going well, I felt confident. However, when I encountered circumstances that made me feel inadequate or insecure, I felt extremely aware of my negative qualities. In these moments, I felt ashamed and I lost my confidence.
How real is my confidence if it can be taken away by mere circumstance?
I wanted more.
Breakdowns Often Lead to Breakthroughs
Breakdowns are not the most enjoyable experience, but they happen to us all. Well, at least they happen to me. Recently, I had quite the breakdown...
I had been feeling overwhelmed for months. I kept trying to find my way out of this feeling, but I couldn’t seem to.
It all felt confusing and slippery. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on what was really bothering me. I tried to talk about it, but it didn’t seem to help. Until one night when my emotions collided with my circumstance and I finally felt the dam break loose. I sat on my couch, crying to my husband.
I cried and talked and cried some more.
As I talked, our kiddos were going wild, our doggie was ringing her potty bell and I was painfully aware that every hamper in our house was overflowing with dirty laundry.
I felt more overwhelmed as I seem to be unable to even have an uninterrupted breakdown.My voice cracked and I closed my eyes.
Our Intentions Matter... A Lot
Have you ever done the right thing for the wrong reason?
I have.
Growing up, I was taught that my intentions were just as important, if not more, than my actions. However, I did not fully embrace this teaching.
It was easy for me to convince people, including myself, that my motivations in life were pure. However, my intentions were often fueled by more than I was willing to admit.
Letting Life’s Problems Change Me… For the Better
Recently, I was talking to a friend and mentioned to her that I am always looking to change. I hope to be a very different person in a year than I am today.
I said it without thinking a thing about it until she stopped me and asked,
“You want to change?”
Do you ever say things and not think about them until someone calls you out for saying it? I do all of the time. I thought about it for a minute and realized that I whole-heartedly believed and agreed with the statement I made.
I want to change...
Learning to Be a Bully
I have been working on my ability to be a bully. I know what you are thinking, “Haley, it is not good to be a bully.” And for the most part, I agree with you.
I don’t believe in bullying people. Ever. I don’t believe in demeaning people and I believe that all people deserve to be valued.
However, this is an exception to that rule. In my opinion, this guy is the biggest bully I know and he deserves to be bullied in return.
In fact, he has probably tried to bully you too.
Do you know him?
My Major Misunderstanding of Love
I used to be a person of very conditional love. It was common for me to lower people’s value based on my perception of them and their choices.
Which is quite interesting considering I have spent my entire life dedicated to a faith based on love.
For the past decade, I have been growing my capacity to love and I am quite pleased to say that I am now able to offer love to even the most frustrating of persons.
My ultimate goal?
Unconditional love.
I have been through a lot with people through the years and I get it.
People suck...
Learning to Fail
For the past decade of my life, I have been trying to learn how to fail and after ten plus years, I still don’t know exactly how to do it. Of course, I can fail. Failing is inevitable, but I am still learning how to fail well.
How can I still be here after so many years of believing in grace?
How is it possible that I am still so affected by my failure? Why are my limitations, mistakes, and misunderstandings so scary to me? I have come so far, but I still have a long ways to go.
In the past, when I have failed, I felt the need to cover up my failure and hide my mistakes. At the same time, I would defend my value as if it was something that needed defending.
During my failure, there was always a little voice taunting me... What if my fears are true? What if my fail is a sign that I not only failed, but I am a failure?? But worse, what if I am a failure who is destined to fail forever?
If You Need to Judge Me Then Do What You Must
I hear the things that you have said and I understand that you would like me to be different. I hear you, but it seems that you are incapable of hearing me because you are too busy judging me.
If you need to judge me then do what you must. Not that long ago, I would’ve judged me too...
Living the Dream, One Nightmare at a Time
Isn't crazy how life can turn out so different than we expect it to? I have found that even things go how I wanted them to go, the journey often looks quite different than I expected it to. Today on my blog I share a bit of how the very life that has brought to life our dreams, is the very life that has brought forth our nightmares. Enjoy...
A Few Words for the Girl In that White Dress
Get ready for your adventure to begin. You are beginning a long voyage and there is no way to prepare you for what lies ahead. Your life may turn out to be everything you expect or nothing that you predict, or perhaps it will be both, all rolled up into one glorious experience...
My Life As a Mom is Slowly Flying By
I have heard stories of how fast time goes by with children, but to tell you the truth, it hasn’t always felt like time was flying by. In many ways, it kind of feels like the last six years of my life have been filled with the time of thirty years. I have lived days that have felt like months and weeks that have felt like years. Some days the last fifteen minutes before Carter gets home from work have felt like an eternity that I might not survive.
When I look at my life, the days seem to have slowed since having kids; however, when I look at my children, I can’t believe how quickly it has went. I am continually shocked by how old my Epsie Marie is looking. With each passing year it seems to grow more surreal to look at pictures of her past. Where is my baby?...
Learning to Value Those I Disagree With
I have always been a very opinionated person. I never had to be taught how to have strong convictions and to speak up for what I believed. I just did. These strong convictions left me with a very narrow path of what I believed was right.
I wouldn't chase after confrontation, but I sure didn't shy away from it when someone challenged me. I had my opinions, for good reason, and I stood by my beliefs. This caused me to enter into many arguments and I did so with confidence because I was sure that my opinion was correct. Absolutely positive.
I used to feel so proud of my opinions. That was then...
Ten Things to Know Before Starting a New Adventure
I am a lover of adventure, which works out well since this life is filled with it. I believe that adventure can be found in our everyday lives. It lies merely in our perception. Adventure can look like moving across the globe, starting a new career, or simply living with a new outlook. Whatever your adventure is, here are a few pointers that I have learned during the adventures that I have taken...