Losing Myself in the Performance

I was in sixth grade the first time that an acquaintance told me that she didn’t like me. Nothing had happened between us. Just me being “me” was enough to arouse in her a very strong feeling of frustration and annoyance, and she needed me to be aware of it.

I was eleven years old.

So, I guess I could tell you that it was also in sixth grade that I began to perform for the world to accept me. I began to try to be what other people wanted me to be.

This was the first time that I was told that I rubbed people the wrong way, but this wouldn’t be the last. I have heard this statement repeated, in many various forms, since then. Not only whispered through the grapevine, but straight to my face.

Don’t be so loud.

Be friendlier.

Smile more, but don’t come off fake.

Don’t be so happy all of the time, it is annoying.

Don’t come off too ‘judgy’.

Wave at more people.

Don’t walk like you walk.

Talk more.

Talk less.

Don’t be so opinionated.

When I ask for advice, don’t act like you know everything. Just listen.

Sometimes you rub people the wrong way. Don’t.

You need to change because you being “you” is annoying.

I wasn’t exactly sure what everyone was wanting, but I tried to listen and make myself more of who they expected me to be. I began to live my life for them. Despite my best effort, it seemed that no one was even recognizing all of the “wonderful” changes I was making.

No one seemed to be noticing my modifications, except I was detecting something very scary. The more I tried to be who I thought everyone wanted, the more I compromised who I was. I could feel it inside of me. I was losing my passion for life and it started to scare me.

I was beginning to lose myself.

I had been told that being “me” was wrong, but it seemed impossible for me to be anyone else. So what is a girl to do? If I could only be myself or be what everyone wanted me to me? I was going to have to make a choice…

I chose to be me.

It is so easy to feel like we should be able to make everyone happy with who we are. For some reason, it feels important to listen to negative feedback and make changes. In some cases, it is important. When people I love and people who love me come to me with something, it is vitally important that I listen to them. I must hear what they are saying and where they are coming from. The people who love me, love me. They want the best for me and will speak to me in a way that allows me an opportunity to grow, but not to compromise the love I have for myself.

I no longer entertain the hateful comments casually said about who I am and I no longer listen to people who choose to shame me for being me.

And you should not listen to those who choose to shame you for being you.

You are a living, breathing, quirky, funny, awkward being who is different than every other living being on this earth. You have a distinctive way of expressing the things inside of you. The unique things inside of you are the very things that should be treasured and protected, not hid.

We are all under an immense pressure to perform to what others believe we should be.  Let’s not live our life trying to please the people who just want us to be their puppet.

We are not meant to be a puppet.

I have lost myself at times in the performance. I have put forth way too much effort and time into performing for people that were never going to be happy with my dance. 

When we try to do the dance that others expect of us, it exhausts us.

People will look at us and judge how we live. Let them look. Let them judge, but let’s not perform for them. Let’s not try to be anything. Let's just be us.  I guarantee that some people will tell us that we are too much and some people will tell us that we are not enough; however, I am here to tell you differently.

You are just right.

Let them do their dance.

You do yours.

The world needs more people that are willing to live the life that they have inside of them.

We are waiting for you.



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