Is This a Time for Rage?
I just finished reading a nationally circulated article that told me that “this is a time for rage”. It was speaking on some of the recent events of the political landscape and the current sexual investigations that are taking place.
I am no stranger to the current world we live in and it is no great surprise for me to see rage, but this was something new. This was the first time that I had actually seen a writer not just speak in a state of rage, but recommend it as the best option as we move through these difficult situations.
I could not believe it.
Really? That is the best that we have?
With all of the tools, emotions and communication styles we have access to we are going to select our rage?
The Words That Echo
I believe that words have great power, but unfortunately, people don’t always use this power wisely… or kindly. It is shocking how much pain can be caused by words. When is the last time that someone said something hurtful to you?
I am amazed at how well I can remember some of the hurtful things that have been said to me. I can play them on repeat, word for word… for years.
Own Your Hate and Bitterness. They Are Yours.
This world can be a very difficult place to live. No matter how hard we try to keep ourselves from pain, it seems there is no way to escape getting hurt in this life. There are times that it can seem simpler to overlook situations that cause us pain, but I believe it is essential that we understand our hurts and our brokenness. In every situation, we are offered time to be wounded. It is essential that we allow ourselves this time and the grace to be hurt and broken. However, our hurts won’t stay “hurts” forever, they change. Our brokenness that is left unattended will become bitterness, and our hurt that is left unaddressed will become hate...