Dear 2016, You Were Rough.

Dear 2016, you were rough.

There is no way I could have predicted everything that you brought to my life. I’m not going to lie, you kind of exhausted me. In many ways I feel like you were a year filled with the time of ten years. I can hardly believe everything that I experienced in your mere twelve months of time.

You are a year that tested me in a unique way. You were filled with both exquisite gain and surprising loss. You brought with you moments of abundant laughter and deep sorrow. You brought many challenges that I didn’t expect. I didn’t enjoy those, but of course, it is in our most challenging days that we are given the greatest opportunity to learn and to grow.

I owe you a debt of gratitude. For who I am today is not who I was before you came to me.

You took a great deal from me, but you also gave me some things of immeasurable value. You have given me a new appreciation for my life and those whom I love. Actually, you have given me a great appreciation for everything in my life.

You reminded me just how silly it is to be attached to “things” and how vital it is to value the people I have in my life.

I have learned in the deepest part of me to stop waiting for tomorrow to live.

You offered me many moments to show people grace, forgiveness and love.  

You brought with you opportunities to be blessed in ways that I never expected to need a blessing.

You have taught me that even with the hardest work and effort, things sometimes just don’t work out.

You once again reminded me that life is not fair, and it is silly to focus on what is “fair” anyways.

You have shown me that joy truly does come in the morning; however, you also reminded me that the night can be long and very dark.

You gave me many opportunities to choose things that I didn’t feel but I believe to be true. You gave me opportunity to choose faith over doubt, hope over despair, and love over hate.

When I think back on you, I will look back at you with appreciation. You will always be a defining year of my life. You gave me many opportunities to determine who I really want to be in my life.

I am proud of the steps I have taken. I have walked many new places and tried many new things. I took risks. I didn’t “play it safe”. You gave me those chances, thank-you.

At times, I was not sure if you were my enemy or my friend, but you gave me the opportunity to live. Can I ever repay you for that?

So, 2016, I thank you. I am thankful for you, but it is time for you to go. It is now time to look forward to a new day.

Good-bye my friend,




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