Are You Moving Forward?

You Do Not Have to Move Forward

You might have noticed that last week, I didn’t post a new episode. This was the first week in over a year that I haven’t posted one. It wasn’t because I forgot or chose not to, it’s because God is taking me on a journey that I am working on.

It’s interesting to me how sometimes God asks us to show up, but He almost seems silent in a way. We are confused, we aren’t sure how to go about things or where to start and God just wants us to jump into the unknown.

We don’t have to jump. We can stay right where we are…all nice and comfortable. But I am choosing to follow His plan and I hope you do too.

How Do I Show Up?

As I have been working on this new idea God has given me, I have learned that we don’t always know how to show up.

What do I actually need to do to show up?

All I know is to put in action. It will be messy. We will get discouraged. But we must move forward with the call He has placed on our lives.

Let’s fight through the confusion, through the mess and through our discomfort to live out the life He created just for us!

Be a fighter!


How Well Do You Let Things Go?


How Well Do You Fail?