How Well Do You Let Things Go?

Letting go and surrendering doesn’t always feel natural

You know when God asks you to do something and you follow His plan, but then, out of nowhere it seems, He asks you to shift to a new direction? Sometimes it can feel like, “WAIT, I wasn’t done with what you originally asked me to do!” It can also feel confusing and out of control. It most likely doesn’t look like what we thought it would.

How quick can you shift and let go of your expectations

We have talked about our expectations a lot here at Redemption Unveiled. We know that living the life God created for us often doesn’t look like what we expected.

For me, I know that I used to really love the feeling of having control. I based my decisions around gaining that feeling. Will this help me feel in control? Then I’m on board.

As I have grown, I have learned that this false security I was getting from feeling like I was in control often led to disappointment from my expectations not getting met. It sure wasn’t helping me live a life of surrendering to God’s plan.

The art of letting go is a skill we all need

Not only do I believe that we can grow our skill of letting go, but I also believe it is absolutely necessary if we are going to live this life with God. We can grow the ability to move on, shift and release our expectations.

Let’s Surrender…

Our timing

Our expectations

Our plans

Others choices

How well do you surrender?


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