How Well Do You Fail?
Failing is Part of Getting Good at Something
This week, I was having a conversation with one of my kids. They were feeling disappointed and discouraged because they felt like they had made some mistakes and things didn’t turn out as they would have hoped.
As I am encouraging my child, and telling them that mistakes are part of the process, that we don’t have to be perfect and that they are being so hard on themselves….I kind of started to feel like I needed to listen to my own advice.
We Hold on So Tightly to Our Expectations
We put this pressure on ourselves to never make mistakes. That we need to be perfect. We need to know how to do things the “right” way. We could keep going here.
We hold on to these expectations of how things will go if we just do things correctly or perfectly. We almost set ourselves up for disappointment to achieve these unrealistic expectations. The truth is, we put this pressure on ourselves a lot. We work so hard to measure up to our own harsh standards that we begin to stop taking risks or we become hard and bitter.
Do You Take it Too Serious?
I think we can take life too seriously sometimes.
We feel this invitation from God to do something, we try to do it perfect (setting ourselves up for disappointment). What if God just wanted us to share this fun and exciting experience with Him? What if we are missing out on the entire experience because we are so disappointed that we made mistakes along the way.