parenting, self, loss Haley Carter parenting, self, loss Haley Carter

Time Doesn't Heal All wounds

This life is many things and fair isn’t one of them. There will always be tragedies that make no sense and losses our brain is unable to reconcile. 

When God designed the earth, loss wasn’t supposed to be a part of her story, but now we must endure the pain of it. There are moments that are hurtful, but then there are moments filled with the scenes of our worst nightmares.


This life is many things and fair isn’t one of them. There will always be tragedies that make no sense and losses that our brain is unable to reconcile.

When God designed the earth, loss wasn’t supposed to be a part of her story, but now we must endure the pain of it. There are moments that are hurtful, but then there are moments filled with the scenes of our worst nightmares.

Some moments are made up of only despair.

Heartbroken doesn’t even seem to describe it, as if the pain only affected one part of us. More accurately, we feel we have been ripped in two from our head to our toes. We don’t know how, but our very being feels unattached from itself.

When everything seems gray and we walk around like zombies feeling numb and empty inside. Even though we are sure we will feel joy again, it is hard to imagine how that’s possible.

When the first few moments of every day are spent waking up and once again realizing We are living in our worst nightmare.

Truth is, time doesn’t heal all wounds.

Saying time heals all wounds implies, given enough time, we will eventually return to who we were before. In some cases, this just isn’t possible. Sometimes, life betrays us in such a way the person we were before no longer exists. The event brought such devastation it seemed to alter our very DNA. Even with time, effort, and counseling, the experience will forever have its Impact.

from thIs point forward, our life will be known as “the before” and “the after”.

Of course, time changes the pain, but that doesn’t stop the waves of loss & heartache from taking us under whenever they please. Something was stolen from our life and it will forever have its impact on us. No amount of good things or time will ever make up for it.

There is nothing left to do but wait. Wait and see what our life will become. Not with joy, but with trust. Trust that God can heal us. Not to what we were, but to something new. Something we’ve never been before. Clinging tight to the truth that we have not been forsaken and their is redemption to be found somewhere in this darkness.

The journey ahead is long, but there is hope that one day we will be healed. not because time has passed, but because God has worked.

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