Are You Ready to Show Up and Do What God is Asking?

Have you been listening?

Do you wake up in the mornings wondering if you’ve gotten off track?

Maybe you have lot’s of ideas in your head, but you have ignored them because now isn’t a good time.

Do you feel comfortable in your life?

If you said yes to any of these questions, God is inviting you to do something right now!

You were absolutely put here for a reason!

God had a reason for creating you. You have a purpose in this life. These ideas you feel pulling on your heart are God coming in and inviting you to get on board.

Following God is messy! Don’t fall for the look of a “perfect Christian lifestyle.” We don’t have to be perfect. We don’t have to be put together all the time, and we certainly don’t have to even be ready to say yes to God’s invitation.

God is coming for you!

Whether you feel ready or not, God’s timing is perfect.

You will feel uncomfortable.

You will feel disappointment.

You will experience failure.

You will face challenges.

God never promised that our journey would be easy. But we will find freedom and healing when we live the life He created for us.


It's Time to Get Real About Your Struggles


Is God Asking You to Change a Habit?