Is God Asking You to Change a Habit?

Am I Hearing God Right?

For the past few weeks, I have been feeling overwhelmed, discouraged and heavy. Some things didn’t go as I had expected and there just seems to never be enough time.

Now you have probably heard me talk about how I do not believe in this mindset of “not enough time.” I know there is enough time in the day to do what God is asking me to do. There just might not always be enough time to do what God is me to do and what I want to do.

It takes some unlearning to live the life god has for us

I felt like God was calling me to change some of my habits, set some new boundaries and get rid of some distractions in my life, and I honestly didn’t listen at first. I’ve been living this way for so long, why would I want to change things up now?

God was trying to show me that some of my behaviors and habits that I am trying to hold onto are not going to serve me as I move forward in living the life God has for me.

We sometimes have to admit that we are part of the problem

Our habits can get in our way. We can get so comfortable doing things a certain way that we miss the opportunity to move forward and grow. I do believe that part of being obedient to God is letting go of parts of ourselves and our lives when God asks us to. It’s not easy. Oftentimes, it can be quite scary. I know that I want to live the life God has for me. I want to find healing and freedom with Him, so I am going to listen when He tells me to let go of something.

This is the race I am supposed to be on. what do i need to let go of?


Are You Ready to Show Up and Do What God is Asking?


Is God Asking You to do Something That Doesn't Make Sense?