How to Start a Podcast
Heads up, I have only started a podcast once and that was in 2021. I am sure I don’t remember everything that needs to be done or even that I did everything the best way. This is supposed to be a basic information to share what I would do, but not a step-by-step guide. There are many courses and coaches that help with launching a podcast if you find yourself needing support.
Do you feel like God is asking you to start a podcast?
Here are my tips.
Clarify your why.
Putting yourself out into the world is hard. Knowing why you are doing it makes it easier. Do you feel God is telling you to do it? Do you have a mission to start? Do you have a message to share? Whatever it is, you will need to know your “why” and remember it when you get discouraged.
Try it out.
One of the things you can do is record yourself on a phone and practice before you get started. Sometimes we think we will love something and then when we do it, we realize it isn’t what we thought it was. Practicing on a phone is helpful before you set up the podcast to help you understand if you would enjoy the experience.
Setting it up.
Decide the details.
You will need to decide on several things: A name, a short description of your show, a few episode ideas, and how often you plan to post a podcast.
I like this microphone. (I’m not getting any commission for this.)
You will want to plug headphones into your microphone or computer while you are recording so you can hear yourself and any noises that the mic is picking up.
You will need a host platform for your podcast. I like using Transistor.
Decide the Episode Flow
You will need to record an intro and exit. Also, decide if you want to have a structure that you use in your episodes.
When I started, I used Audacity to record. Now I use Garage Band. I switched because I got a new computer and couldn’t figure out how to record where I could hear myself on Audacity on my new computer! It is probably easy, I just couldn’t figure it out.
Editing Tools
Once you record your podcast, you will want to edit out certain things that happened. I use “Audacity” to edit. I am sure there are many programs, that’s just what I started with. It takes some learning, but it is doable!
(tip: when saving your edited recording, do NOT push “save” you must choose to export the file and then choose to save it. I save mine as a .mp3.)
Final tip
It can be hard to post a podcast every week. I first learned this when I started my weekly blog. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t choose to do it, I want to give you a heads-up. I recommend having six episodes recorded before you ever share them. Then, share four at the start. This gives people some time to “binge” and get a feel for your podcast. Then if you recorded 6, that will give you 2 saved as you continue to build up your episodes.
If you start a podcast, you will need to give yourself a lot of grace. Doing things like this can be hard for many reasons. Learning a new technology, doing something new, being recorded, sharing it, all these things can be hard! Give yourself grace and just stick with it if you feel called to do it!