Finding Real Fulfillment in Life

The Potato chip effect

I have made a connection between eating potato chips and living my life. That may sound silly, but hang in there with me for a sec…

When I sit down to eat a potato chip, I taste the first one and instantly want one more. I keep going back for more until I either feel sick or I literally ate the entire bag of chips. Now let me explain how I relate this to my life.

Living a life in potato chip fashion, we seek things that won’t bring us true fulfillment. Here are a few examples:

I want to make more money

I want to drive a nicer car

I want to be successful

I want approval

The moment we actually receive any of these examples above, we start chasing more. We aren’t actually being fulfilled when we chase these desires.

How to recognize what will fulfill you

There are three areas that we can focus on that will stop the chase of satisfaction and bring us to a place of true fulfillment.

Obeying what god asks you to do

We were created for a specific purpose, carefully designed and thought out by God. When we choose not to obey him, we might as well have placed the foundation of our life that we are building on sand. When we do obey God, the foundation of our life is a rock. Solid and ready to weather the storms.

Challenge Yourself

When God calls, step out of your comfort zone. Even if it is just one step. We cannot build a life by staying in the same place. The place where we have learned to feel safe. He has so much more for us in this life.

Speak Truth

When insecurity sets in, avoid seeking outward security and validation. If you are following God’s adventure for your life, you don’t need anyone’s approval or validation.

When our self-doubt sneaks in, remember who you are and who God created you to be. Listen to His truth and not the voice inside of you telling you that you aren’t good enough.

We can live our lives doing things that seem and feel great, but without truth in our foundation, our house will crumble in the storms.


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