Has God Failed You?

God Loves the Scenic Route

The more I walk with God, the more I realize my ways are not His ways. My timing is not His Timing.

God doesn’t really give us the most efficient or even quickest way to accomplish what He is asking of us. When I’m told I need to do something, I just want to get it done right then and there, but that just isn’t how God works.

God likes the scenic route, which takes a lot longer than what I would consider the efficient route. It can become very discouraging and at times, we can even feel embarrassed or begin to question if we even know what God is actually asking us to do.

God invited me to a party, but it felt more like a challenge

When God invites me to do something, I tend to get excited. I see how great this could be and I genuinely can’t wait to get started, but then as soon as I do, I face challenge after challenge when I really felt like it was going to be more of a party.

Is God trying to trick me?

No matter how challenging, disappointing or embarrassing following God’s plan might feel sometimes, we have to make an intentional decision that we know God has something great for us. It might not be right away and it might not be what we thought it would be, but He truly does have wonderful things for us and our life.

Our disappointment can rob us of our purpose if we aren’t careful. This is why we have to keep making the choice to show up time and time again when God is calling on us.

The whole point of our life as christians is to keep showing up.

Do it. Show Up Again.


Is God Asking You to do Something That Doesn't Make Sense?


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