Redemption Unveiled Community Preview Week: Misunderstanding God's Why

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Misunderstanding God’s why

One of the worst things we can do is try to define God and his intentions.


Has God ever taught you a lesson for a really long time and you have been working hard on learning from His lesson and then all of sudden God asks you to do the exact opposite?


We have to be careful about having systematic thinking when it comes to God's purpose.

Are there any areas in your life that you have stopped recognizing God's voice because you have a system and think you already know the answer?

From the beginning of Jesus’s resurrection story, we can easily see how we can get confused by some of the decisions Jesus made. Waiting until Lazarus was already dead before returning home, asking Peter to get a sword but then telling him not to use it, etc.

Jesus whole-heartedly desired for God’s will to be done

Even when Jesus was praying to God that he didn’t want to be crucified, he ended his prayer with by wishing for God’s will to be done.

God knows the plan He has for us. He knows the outcome, the struggles we will face and what we will need to get through it.

If you have enjoyed this week’s preview of the Redemption Unveiled Community Bible study, the community will be opening up NEXT WEEK for new members to join.

We would love for you to join us!


All About the Redemption Unveiled Bible Study Community


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