What does God want me to do?

It’s an age ol’ question. What does God want us to do? Whether it be in how to handle a relationship conflict, a new job opportunity, or any number of other questions that life brings at us, “What does God want us to do?” The question can plague us.

How do we know what God wants?


Haha, just kidding. It’s not easy. Although, I wish it was. Finding God’s will for your life isn’t easy; in fact, it is in God’s very nature to send us into challenging circumstances even when we are living out the life He created us for. So, a life with God is anything but easy.

A life living out God’s purposes is not easy; however, it is clear.

There are 3 things to do to make sure you are finding the Adventure that God put you on this Earth for.

1.Know God’s word.

I decided to start with the most obvious. We must know what God says in his word. Learning it helps us understand his nature, his direction, and his beliefs. Year after year, as we read and study his word new things are revealed to us, new understanding becomes clear, and it helps us through new life situations that we might find ourselves in. Knowing God’s word is key to discovering the life He has for us.

2. We must be willing to take action.

Knowing God’s word isn’t enough. As we learn what God teaches us in his word, we must put it into action. There are so many amazing principles and guidelines that offer a different way of thinking and a different life to live. We must be willing to challenge ourselves and make decisions that we don’t want to make to discover the life God is inviting us to.

Knowing the Bible isn’t enough. We also must be willing to follow the dreams and ideas that God gives us. This one is a huge passion of mine because the church focuses heavily on knowing God’s word but not as many people have discovered the excitement of listening and obeying as the Holy Spirit guides us through the calling and passions within us.

Knowing God’s word is a great start, but we will never discover God’s will if we are unwilling to do what God tells us to do. Knowing isn’t enough. All the real power of this faith is in the doing.

3. You must be willing to change.

Finding the purpose for your life will depend heavily on your willingness to learn not only what God wants you to do but to become the person God created you to be. Without a doubt, this is the most misunderstood concept in the Christian Culture.

God put you on this earth to do AND to become.

It is both. 

You are created to take action and bring things to this earth, but you are also created to find freedom and become the Child God created you to be. In fact, becoming who God made you will be one of the greatest, most rewarding things you do in this life.

Imagine, discovering a life that brings you closer to God no matter what difficulties come.

Imagine, decade after decade not becoming more bitter like many people do but becoming freer. 

Imagine, looking back on your life at the end and knowing that you took many risks that scared you but on the other side of it these scary times you became the person you know you were born to become.

Imagine. Now stop imagining and start taking this Adventure today.

Don’t forget, the Earth is waiting for you to show up! 🌎 -Haley

Want more encouragement? Listen to this week’s podcast here: …

Would you like to clarify where God wants you to go in your life? Would you like to start by defining the greatest calls that God has put inside of you? If so, you should take the free, mini training.


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