Getting Focused

We are here for such a time as this!

We have officially made it into 2023 and I really feel like now is the time for us to get focused on our purpose.

I know that right now, the world can feel heavy and discouraging, but it is so important as Christians that we don’t fall into leading a hopeless life. So we need to get focused on what our role is in this current world. Why did God create me for this exact time?

Let’s Get focused on our own purpose.

I truly believe that the one thing we can do to help this world is to say yes to the adventure God has created us for. He knew we would be here during this time. He put us here, during this time for a reason. We are meant to be here.

We need to say yes to what god is asking us to do. no more no less.


She Heard the Call


How Do You Feel About Your Year?